The Day of the Dead is one of the most emblematic traditions in Mexico, and one of the key elements for decorating altars and offerings in homes is the marigold flower. In order to give "another life" to this famous plant during the festivities, the Ministry of the Environment of Mexico City will provide collection centers for the marigold flower in different boroughs of the city.
The flowers collected at these centers will go through an organic process to reuse their waste through composting. Additionally, workshops will be organized to show the various uses that can be given to the marigold flower, such as the creation of paints, infusions, or food.
In Mexico City, around 30 collection centers will be established where pots with soil and complete plants, petals, stems, and loose marigold flowers will be received. These points will be concentrated in the PILARES centers and Environmental Culture Centers.
Among the locations of these centers are:
In the Tlalpan Borough: Tlalpan Forest, Environmental Culture Center (CCA) - Ecoguardas, among others.
In the Coyoacán Borough: Canal Nacional 1, PILARES - Topiltzin, etc.
In the Iztapalapa Borough: Environmental Culture Center (CCA) - Yautlica, PILARES - San Miguel Teotongo, among others.
In Xochimilco: Xochimilco Ecological Park, Environmental Culture Center - Acuexcomatl.
In the Venustiano Carranza Borough: PILARES - Velodrome Park, PILARES - November 20, etc.
In the Gustavo A. Madero Borough: San Juan de Aragón Forest.
Additionally, direct purchase of marigold flowers from local producers is promoted, and sales points have been announced in markets, plazas, caravans of producers, and supply centers so that residents can acquire these flowers and support the local economy during this season.